Brookfield Banter 20/02/25
From the Principal - Leanne Duncan
Community Calendar - Term 1
From the Deputy Principal - Leah Cathcart
From the Deputy Principal - Katie Lewis
From the Social Worker - Mrs D
Sports News
Library News
Sun Smart Policy 2025
Office News
Helping Hands News
Extra-Curricular Calendar - Term 1
Community News
From the Principal - Leanne Duncan

Farewell Miss Bernice Noonan
On Friday 28 February from 8:30am on the library veranda, we are acknowledging and saying farewell to Miss Bernice Noonan. Miss Noonan has been such a part of the fabric of our community for many years.
We are fortunate, that whilst Miss Noonan has made the decision to retire, she is still out and about spreading her wisdom and joy with our students on relief teaching days here at Brookfield.
Families are welcome to come along for a coffee (coffee van will be here!) and catch up on next Friday as students and staff acknowledge Miss Noonans love of teaching and learning at Brookfield Sate School and her 40 years of commitment to this.

P and C Meeting Principal Update
Thank you to all of those who attended the last P and C meeting. It was great to see so many new faces. Come along to our next meeting and become a member! We would love to see you there.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) followed by a General Meeting
When: 11 March 2025
Time: 6:30pm followed by a general meeting at 7pm
Where: B Block
Thank you also to the P and C supporting and funding Mathletics and Reading Eggs access for our families! Also on the agenda was Instrumental Music discussion. The P and C has supported extra students to be offered places for a number of years now. The Instrumental Music program is a departmental funded program based on an allocative model across all schools. At the next P and C meeting, we will ask for support through a request for expenditure to support the continuation of the intake of students into both the Band and Strings Programs!
Helping Hands also attended to share information and discuss how they can support our school, and the P and C. Helping Hands has jumped into supporting the P and C with our much-loved community Bush Dance! For those who are new to our community, this is such a well-attended event full of joy, fun and dancing for the students and the adults as well!
It is almost halfway through Term 1 - Where has the time gone?! As Daniela Falecki, Educator · Speaker · Coach - Wellbeing, shared with us when she visited our staff on Pupil Free - The reason we are feeling a little tired is because we are doing and achieving so much!! This goes for all of us, and our students as well, as we work our way toward the end of the term!
Brookfield State School Strategic Plan
Every four years, all state schools in Queensland undertakes a process of review. This occurred for Brookfield State School in 2022. Below is our current Strategic Plan.
Community Calendar - Term 1
From the Deputy Principal - Leah Cathcart

Our Rules
Follow directions straight away
Keep hands and feet to ourselves
Listen and speak in a friendly way
Be in the right place
Care for others, objects and the environment
Our Values
Respectful, Responsible, Safe
Our Mission
Belong, Strive, Succeed

Week 4: Our job is to learn and allow others to learn!
This week our focus was on how we use our Classroom Behaviour Flowchart.

In the classroom our goal is follow directions and our school rules to remain in the green-zone for learning.
We discussed what a “classroom” might look like at BSS:
- Your class
- Library/Resource Centre
- Music room
- German room
- Health room
- Instrumental Music room
- Oval or Hall for PE
- Tables or seats in undercover areas
- Anywhere you are learning during the school day

If you are in the yellow zone and experience difficulty following our directions or our school rules. You may receive a redirection, reminder, be asked to try-again or to practise a positive behaviour.
If you remain in the yellow-zone and more support is needed, your teacher may add you name to the clipboard or ask you to move to a quieter spot for time-out.
We discussed who the “teacher” could be at BSS:
- Your class teacher
- All the classroom teachers
- All of our teacher-aides
- Mrs McMillan
- Mrs Allison
- Frau Raben
- Mr Bidner & Mrs Moore
- Mr Lougheed & Mrs Harle
- Mrs Duncan
- Mrs Lewis & Mrs Cathcart
- Mrs McKay
- Visiting relief-teachers (when your class teacher is absent)
- Visiting teachers (Life Ed, Street Science)
Teachers and students discussed and role-played what it looks, sounds and feels like to:
- Practice demonstrating positive behaviour or following a direction
- Receive a warning or redirection
- Have your name added to the clipboard
- Have a time-out in your classroom or your buddy-class

If a quiet and calm time-out to reflect has not been successful and behaviour moves into the red-zone or disrupts the teaching and learning, this may result in time-out in a buddy-class, office referral, parent contact or reflection room.
Teachers and students discussed and role-played what it looks, sounds and feels like to:
- Be referred to the office
- Have your parents contacted
- Attend Reflection Room
Ready-Set-Prep 2026
Our waiting list is open for students who will attend Prep in 2026! If your child was born:
1st July 2020- 30 June 2021 they are eligible to attend Prep in 2026
Enrolment forms are available for collection from:
- our administration office or
- digitally from our school website
Please return your digital enrolment forms by email, or return your forms in person, to our administration office in order for your child to be added to our 2025 waiting list. Out-of-catchment enrolments are welcome and offers of placement will be offered; dependent on numbers and in order of date received.
If you have a child due to start in 2026 you are very welcome to register for an enrolment tour. We are currently taking bookings for tours every 2nd Tuesday. Please call our office on 3374 7333 or email to make a booking. Your little people, our future students, are welcome to join us for the tour.

Brookie Bear adventures in the Junior School
Brookie Bear is a well-loved and highly treasured visitor in the junior school. The competition to earn Brookie Bear points is hotly contentested. At Junior Assembly class tallies are annouced. The class with the most points is rewarded with Brookie for 2 weeks of teaching and learning adventures. 1A were the proud winners at our 1st Junior Assembly for 2025, congratulations 1A!
Brookie Bear very much enjoyed her time in 1A. Some highlights included joining a buddy-visit and attending Life Education.

From the Deputy Principal - Katie Lewis

Year 6 2025 Canberra Trip - Expression of Interest
Year 6 Parents are reminded to complete the Year 6 2025 Canberra Trip Expression of Interest and Parent Helper Nomination Form by Friday 21 February to enable us to begin planning for this event - thanks.
Meet our Student Captains - Leader's Week
We are proud to introduce our Student Captains for 2025 as part of our Leader's Week, culminating with our Student Leader Induction Ceremony on Friday 21 February from 9.15am in the Brookfield State School Hall.
Over the course of this week, you will be able to get to know our Captains a little more through posts on our Facebook page and also through the great Leader's Week display in our Library. Thank you Mrs Allison and Mrs Bassett for putting this together for our students to enjoy.

NAPLAN - Lockdown Browser and Practice Test
Reminder for Year 3 and 5 families to ensure the most current version of the NAPLAN Lockdown Browser is installed on BYO Devices in readiness for the NAPLAN Practice Test being conducted on Thursday 27 February from 9am.
We have just received this information from our governing curriculum body:
All Windows devices will be required to be updated to a new LDB prior to NAPLAN 2025.
The new version of the Windows LDB (v5.9.2) will be available for download via the Assessform website on Thursday 20 February 2025. Upon installation, the colour of the Windows NAP 2025 icon is now purple, to enable schools to easily identify the latest version on student devices.
The current version will be deactivated at the end of the day on Tuesday 25 February 2025 to allow schools to complete any practice tests scheduled over the coming days.
This LDB (v5.9.2) is the only Windows version that will be supported for NAPLAN 2025 and must be installed and checked prior to the start of NAPLAN testing on Wednesday 12 March 2025 to ensure students using these devices are able to undertake the tests.
Students who do not have the updated Windows LDB installed on their device for NAPLAN testing will see an error message “Failed to connect - Your application is out of date. You will be unable to continue until it is updated to the latest version” when they attempt to start the test.
Thank you for your support with this - we are working as fast as we can on the advice we are being provided.
Senior Assembly - Wednesday 26 February
We will have our second Senior Assembly on Wednesday 26 February from 1.50pm in the Hall. Parents are welcome to attend.
Sundae Funday - Monday 03 March
Don't forget to jump on Flexischools to order your Sundaes for Monday 03 March. Gluten and Dairy Free options available.

From the Social Worker - Mrs D

As the term gets underway, our children may start to feel tired and perhaps a little overwhelmed at school. Here are some strategies to help navigate those tricky times:
Ask About Their Day: What 3 things went well and 1 thing that they found challenging.
Listen Actively: Let them express their feelings without judgment or immediate solutions. Often, just knowing they are heard can help them feel better.
Healthy Sleep Schedule: Make sure they are getting enough sleep to be well-rested for school.
Breathing Exercises: Teaching simple techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, or stretching to calm down when they feel anxious. Breathing techniques such as finger breathing, figure 8 or box breathing can be used to slow down their little nervous system when they are feeling overwhelmed

Communicate with Staff: If your little person is struggling, please reach out to our staff. We are here to support both you and your child.
Unstructured Time: After school, ensure they have time to unwind and relax. Too many activities and pressures can be overwhelming.
Limit Extra-Curriculars: If your child is involved in many activities, consider cutting back to reduce the pressure.
Positive Reinforcement: Praise their efforts, even small wins. Encourage their progress, not just the final result.
Reassure Them It's Okay to Ask for Help: Remind them that it’s okay to ask for help when they need it, whether it’s from teachers, friends, or you.


Beginner Language Experience Opportunity!
The Beginner Language Experience program offers Queensland Year 4–6 state school students an exciting opportunity to learn a new language from the comfort of their own home.
Participants will connect with experienced university tutors in an engaging online environment, where they will enjoy a fun learning experience over 5 consecutive days. Through interactive lessons and hands-on activities, participants will develop their language skills while broadening their cultural horizons and developing global competence.
This program not only introduces participants to a new language and deepens their understanding of its associated culture, but also equips them with the knowledge, skills and cultural awareness needed to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.
Key dates
Course dates:
- April 2025 school holidays (exact days to be advised)
- September 2025 school holidays (exact days to be advised)
Applications close:
- April 2025 school holidays—5.00pm Friday 14 March 2025
- September 2025 school holidays—5.00pm Friday 29 August 2025

Families can find more information via the QLD Education website link or QR code above.
Alternatively, Frau Raben can provide further information and support should students wish to register.
Louise Raben | Teacher of German
Sports News
Library News
Library Lovers Week – Week 3
We enjoyed recognising Queensland School Libraries Week and Library Lovers’ Week by celebrating wonderful books and raising the profile of reading- for -pleasure in displays and makerspace lunchtime activities. The teachers have divulged their favourite books from their primary school years and students have written about what they love best about our library. Below are our wonderful Library Captains Matias L and Bianca W with our Library Lovers display. Thanks for the love everyone!

Leaders Week
The Yr 6 badge recipient leader photos are on display in the library to enable all P-5 students to get to know them, along with leaders and heroes' books to borrow focussing on the values of great leadership. This week Prep – Yr 6 have focussed on an awareness of their leadership qualities and in finding 'the leader in me'. The ‘Meet the Leaders’ focus through BSS Facebook page has helped the school community recognise our leaders too. Thanks also to our Year 6 School Leaders who supported P-2 students in the leadership-themed makerspace this week. Here are our super Yr 6 student leaders!

Sun Smart Policy 2025

Office News
Prep Families - Student Resource Scheme (SRS)
The Prep Student Resource Scheme (SRS) forms came home with your students last week (week 3). We ask that parents please complete the form as soon as you are able and return this to the main administration office. Alternatively, you are welcome to email the completed form to Please see below the soft copy of the form for your convenience.
Traffic Reminder - Keeping Everyone Safe!
Keeping safety in the forefront of our minds when travelling around our school should be a top priority. Please help keep everyone safe by staying alert, slowing down, adhering to our pickup and drop off routines and listening to our School Crossing Supervisors who are there to help families cross the road safely.

The documents linked below will take you to our Stop, Kiss and Go drop off and pick up zone guides.
For our Stop, Kiss and Go zones to be successful the following is necessary.
Handy Hints:
- Avoid parking along any part of the school side of Boscombe Road between 2:45pm and 3:30pm
- Use the area as a “drive through” service, with the zone operating like a fast-moving taxi rank, and not a parking bay.
- Avoid driving south on Boscombe Road toward Rafting Ground Road in order to keep it as clear as possible. No U-turns into driveways on Boscombe Road.
- Drive the short distance around the block to change direction.
- Stagger pick up between 2:55pm and 3:15pm to enable gradual traffic around the school. There is staff in the drop off zone supporting students for this time. Students not picked up by 3:15pm will wait in the office. The office will ring parents/carers if no message has been received by this time.
- Ensure you talk to your child/ren about their drop off/pick up arrangements, so that they know!
Students are to make their way to sit under CPA2 from 8:30am. There is no school supervision before this.
The zones operate more effectively and safely when everyone works together!
Entering the School
Please enter our school from the pedestrian gate. There is a pedestrian crossing and learning opportunity for children to make their way to Helping Hands OSHC.
Gate 2 car park is open for staff parking and disability access and also deliveries which can come at different times of the day.
For the safety of students at Brookfield State School, there is a 40 km hour zone on Brookfield Road. This is a supervised crossing which is attended and managed by two crossing supervisors.
Morning - 8am -9am
Afternoon - 2:50pm -3:20pm
Thank you for your support for this to make a difference to road safety around our school, and for your continued diligence and support of traffic management around our school.

Office Hours
The office is open Monday to Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm, during the school term.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Reporting an absence
Parents can report their student's absence via the following options:
- QParents
- Email -
- Phone - 07 3374 7333 option 1
Any absence that is more than 10 consecutive school days must be requested via an exemption form to be approved by the principal prior to the absence. Please see the link below for more information about why an exemption is required from compulsory schooling
Unexplained Absences
To avoid having unexplained absences listed on your child/rens school report, please ensure any unexplained absences are corrected by informing office staff on the day of absence. These can also be updated via the QParents app.
Late Arrival and Early Pick Up
We ask that all parents please bring their students via the office if arriving after 8:55am to ensure they are signed in, which will update their absence on the roll. Please note that even if you have emailed Admin advising your student/s will be late it is still mandatory that they are brought to the office to sign in.
If you need to collect your child/ren early (before 2:55pm) please ensure that you email both your class teacher and Admin.
Please note ALL STUDENTS must come to the main office to be collected prior to 2:55pm, unless confirmed otherwise by Admin.
Ensuring your student/s sign in and out of school correctly is for their safety. We thank you for your understanding.
QParents is a secure, online portal that has been created by the Department of Education to provide parents of Queensland state school students with 24-hour access to their child's information.
The portal allows you to securely access information about your child and communicate directly with your child's school.
Find out more about QParents and download the app today.
Note: Initial registration cannot be completed via the app and must be completed using a personal computer. Once registered, you can choose to use the QParents AparemysExternaapp on your tablet or smartphone, or via the mobile browser. Refer to registration and access for more information.
Make sure you use the latest browser version (e.g. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge) when logging in to QParents from your computer or mobile device.
Note: Internet Explorer is not supported.
Please see attached further information below:
2025 Term Dates
- Term 1: Tuesday 28 January to Friday 4 April—10 weeks.
- Term 2: Tuesday 22 April to Friday 27 June—10 weeks.
- Term 3: Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September—10 weeks.
- Term 4: Tuesday 7 October to Friday 12 December—10 weeks
Helping Hands News
Extra-Curricular Calendar - Term 1
Community News

Brookfield Show Society
Would you like to be involved with this years Brookfield Show? We are seeking a steward to run our Childrens Art Section. If you are interested and would like the opportunity to be involved with the show, please contact the secretary at